Shiba on bed with woman typing on laptop

Living the Good (Hachi) Life – How Hachi’s Dog Tale Can Inspire Us All to Live Adventurously and in the Moment

One of the most profound chapters in my life began when my dog, Hachi, came into my life.

Through that little Shiba Inu pup, I learned to appreciate consistency and balance. Hachi had an old, wise soul, one that knew how to speak directly to mine. That pup fascinated me with his wholeness and purity of being. Not only did I learn a lot from that little guy, but he inspired me to BE more like him. (You can read my story here.)

So, I decided to study his ways.

[bctt tweet=”My philosophy: “Be Hachi. Be Happy.” is focused on staying true to one’s best self. It’s about accepting your individuality. You can’t expect a beagle to be a golden retriever. The dog is a dog.”]

Since I was little, I’ve chased adventure.

Rather than playing with dolls, I preferred to arm wrestle the boys. I craved action and wasn’t afraid to test the limits.

At age six, determined to get Easter baskets, I walked six blocks then crossed a major intersection to the grocery store. Once inside, I filled my shopping cart to the top with baskets. Mission accomplished. Well, almost. While waiting in the checkout line, a neighbor spotted me. She called my mother. Caught!

My childhood memories are filled with little “field trips” as I call them — running through an empty lot to catch mice, making friends with chameleons, hunting for the deepest puddles during a rain storm, and hauling my red wagon door-to-door to sell flower seeds to our neighbors.

The curiosity I felt then is the same that I feel now.

I’m always finding joy in the simplest things. A friend told me he’s never seen anything like it. His initial impression of me was someone on-the-go. And, I was.

During my early days of adventure seeking, I was launching businesses (from medical to fashion), exploring the world (I’ve been to over forty countries), and owning homes from Chicago to the South Pacific.

I’ve survived hair-raising ups and downs, but like to say that if it doesn’t kill me — I can always write about it!

Today, I’m never happier that when my amaryllis blooms, a hummingbird (finally) discovers my feeder, tasting a great Moroccan lentil soup or watching a Discovery nature show. Happiness lies in whatever makes you feel alive and content at that moment. It can be the most ordinary event. Through what we choose to focus on, we infuse meaning into the simplest of acts.

It’s about paying deep attention to what’s right in front of you!

Like when I’m riveted to my flowers. I don’t notice anything or anyone when I’m in my flow. Once I said, “a dozen dancing bears can march though this room wearing pink pajamas, and I wouldn’t notice.” Now that I think of it — that sounds like great fun!

Looking back, I love that my life has been full of change. Life is not one-size-fits-all by any means. Like characters in a novel, we all experience uncharted journeys in our life chapters. Yes, sometimes it’s crazy, but it’s never boring.

[bctt tweet=”I’ve learned that the only certainty in life is change. So, I might as well learn to enjoy the ride!” username=”VickiWongHachi”]

While I enjoyed exciting adventures, after adopting Hachi, I found myself realizing that sometimes less is more. In “having it all,” I found that satisfaction in life is tied to appreciating the beauty and wonder in everyday moments. The best part is that you can find them right at home!

For more Hachi Happiness, get your FREE “7 Ways You Can (And Should) Be Like Your Dog.” Together we can discover the secrets of living the Good (Hachi) Life! What simple pleasure brings pleasure to you? 

Your story matters, 

and many of the chapters in the book

of your life are yet to be written.

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Plus, we’ve experienced that our loyal, canine companions possess innate wisdom and are often our best teachers.

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