It’s never too late to be the hero of your own life story.

Ignite your Spirit.

Discover the authentic, fascinating, legendary life story waiting for you.

The Exclusive Online Community Opening Up the World of Hachi to Adventurers Everywhere

Begin your Adventure

What is

The Hachi Spirit

Hachi is both a beloved, real-life legend and the namesake of the dog that inspired the film Hachi: A Dog’s Tale. The popular film is shaped by two profound inspirations: the historic story of Hachikō, Japan’s beloved and “most loyal dog,” and the real-life bond between Vicki and her canine companion Hachi.

Now celebrating the historic Hachikō’s 100th birthday, the film’s simple power has stood the test of time, inspiring all viewers seeking to tackle life’s challenges.

Hachi’s story includes pure joy but also upheaval, uncertainty, and sorrow. Yet through it all, he stays true to his nature, even when he feels lost. His tenacious love and passion guide him on his journey, and his loyalty and adventurous spirit transform the hearts of a community.

Whether you’re familiar with the historical Hachi, the film, or you’re here to simply experience a little more joy and a lot more adventure, I couldn’t be more excited for you to embark upon a journey of self transformation. 

Read more about the Hachi spirit

Believe it or not,

Your life can be a magical adventure, 

a legendary story that goes far beyond a destination.

All it takes is a willingness to transform.

With the onslaught of the news cycle, it can be easy to lose sight of all life can offer. From inflation to politics, climate change, wars, and upheaval, the modern world can feel like a challenging and even uninhabitable place for the dreamers who hope for their day in the sun. 

Your story matters, and many of the chapters in the book of your life are yet to be written. With guidance, connection, and community, you can ignite your life’s possibilities and leave your own legendary life story, claiming your space in this big and beautiful world. 

It’s my hope to inspire you, bring you home to yourself, and transform your life so whether you’re ready to be a world traveler, lead a legendary life story, or simply experience happier days. 

This is your destination. 

We’re taking you on an adventure of the spirit. The Hachi Spirit, that is.

As the creator and producer of Hachi: A Dog's Tale,

It's my mission to bring the story of Hachi to more people in the hopes that it will inspire you and help you discover a beautiful sense of transformation.

Global explorers and armchair
 travelers alike

Global explorers and armchair travelers alike                           

are welcome here!

Ready for Takeoff? Head to the VIP Lounge to discover some magic.

Tell me more about the Hachi Spirit!

If you’re a passionate adventurer, animal lover, a sensitive spirit, a lover of life seeking a greater sense of spontaneity, joy, and je ne se quois, you’re in the right place.

I welcome you.

Hi, I'm Vicki

Dog Lover, Life Travel Guide, and Joyful Adventurer.

Looking back at my colorful life, you’d think I was a born adventurer. Considering my role as a producer of Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, you’d certainly think I had a film background, or at least some industry experience! In reality, I’m a sensitive introvert who has learned to channel her passion and purpose into a kaleidoscope of new opportunities.

As the founder of Vicki & Hachi, I guide women on their journey back to themselves and into their one big, visible, authentic life, but I used to never even want to be noticed. I watched other people’s lives from the sidelines, scared to speak up or express my own desires. 

What lit me up, though, was my rich inner life, fueled by limitless imagination and endless curiosity. I dreamed of the day when I could escape the boundaries around me and enter a world full of endless possibilities.

As it turns out, my dreaming was never in vain! 

Because I’ve had a unique and colorful life full of magical, glittering moments like my exotic dream homes in the South Pacific and Hawaii, a series of life-enhancing adventures from an idyllic month in Tuscany, a villa in St. Paul de Venice, and marlin fishing in Vanuatu, (just to name a few!), developing lifelong friendships with fascinating individuals while forging soulful connections.  

Now, I’m helping you do the same!

It’s never too late to stand on the brink of change, channel your Hachi Spirit, and become the hero of your own passion-full story.


Go on the Adventure

Ready to build a beautiful support network with
women (and animal lovers!) just like you?

It’s time to nourish your inner life again by fostering authentic connections with yourself and others.  


Experience the magic of the movie and The Hachi Spirit from those who have gone on the adventure.

"If you don't cry at this story, you're probably dead inside."

This is a very important movie about the true meaning of life: benevolence, connection, love, loyalty, hope.”

"It's heartbreaking and meaningful and so much more than a 'dog story:'

it's about our deepest connections and how they transcend our limited view of reality. "Hachiko" is a compelling story about a noble animal, a great teacher, and one man's closest companion.”

See over 18,000 rave reviews of Hachi: A Dog's Tale      

Make a ripple effect.

Live out your purpose.

Leave a legacy.

We Believe a Good Book Can Change Your Life

Plus, we’ve experienced that our loyal, canine companions possess innate wisdom and are often our best teachers.

Get a copy of my FREE ebook 
“Heart Travels with Hachi: Transform Your Life Story with These 5 Steps.”

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