Couple holding hands on beach at sunset

A message of hope and a challenge to create meaningful opportunities during COVID-19 pandemic

Through these uncertain days surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe, bring the Hachi spirit into your world through the practice of love, loyalty, and friendship — the values that Hachi and our beloved canine friends live every moment of every day.

Our Hachi Community is Alive and Thriving!

During trying times, people crave support and our warm, friendly Hachi-Hearted Community does just that. People share favorite memories from the beloved film Hachi: A Dog’s Tale, adorable pictures of their pups, and notes of encouragement. I’d love to have you join us! And, let your friends join the fun too!

Today’s unprecedented challenges create unique opportunities to interact with family & friends in a more profound manner. As a bonus, they increase our appreciation for everyday things (food, household supplies, social events…) we take for granted.

Hachi Inspires Us to Gain Authentic Connection

By nourishing our own inner selves, we can better support others.

And, think of all the things you’ve been putting off. No more excuses! After all, you’ve got that extra time at home to:

(1) Review your diet. It’s easy to gain 5 pounds by surfing the web and staying inside. I’m guilty. I used a food app called Lose It! that really worked. Every little bite was recorded, and exercise counted against the calories. Work-outs allowed me to binge — a little bit! You can personalize the themes, colors, reminders, meal settings to make it fun. I loved my life on islands, so I chose the “beach” theme.

(2) Catch up on those books/magazines. I went through dozens of magazines piled in a large wicker basket. Now, they’re all current (mostly).

(3) Expand your world through an online course like Coursera. Learn from leading Universities and professionals. I took a free course called Dog Emotion and Cognition to learn the exciting new study of dog psychology. I’m always eager to strengthen my understanding of our furry friends.

(4) Organize your closet and “free” up your life, by tossing out unused (or unloved) household or personal items. This past year, I must have donated around a dozen huge trash bags of “stuff”.  And, I don’t miss one item!

(5) Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. They crave connection just as you do.

(6) Make a photo book. It’s easier to relive trips and special occasions. I made one for my month-long Asia tour and it’s a tradition ever since. It’s also a great gift for people that don’t “need” anything. My parents are thrilled with their book!

(7) Your pup has a short time on earth, so spend lots of quality time with your canine friend.

[bctt tweet=”Most important, evaluate how “little” choices in your daily life…create the reality of your tomorrow. Think: how will this behavior, act or decision promote the life I desire?” username=”VickiWongHachi”]

Through it All, Our Pups Stand by Our Side — Loyally!

Deeply emotional animals, our dogs feel experiences. Like Hachi, our canine friends love unconditionally. And the reward is that our furry friends make us better, kinder, and more in tune with the world around us.

Just look at the bond between Hachi and Professor Parker. Is there any doubt that they brought out the best in each other? Not for me!

What is one thing you can do, today, to connect with others in a more profound way? Check in regularly for your healthy dose of Pure Hachi Love! Join the conversation in the comments below.

Your story matters, 

and many of the chapters in the book

of your life are yet to be written.

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We Believe a Good Book Can Change Your Life

Plus, we’ve experienced that our loyal, canine companions possess innate wisdom and are often our best teachers.

Get a copy of my FREE ebook 
“Heart Travels with Hachi: Transform Your Life Story with These 5 Steps.”

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