Why does your dog go so crazy when you get home?

Whenever I returned from my home in Hawaii, Hachi would be waiting at the window. The moment he spotted me, he’d do a frisky happy dance, hopping up and down. It was the cutest!

Even when I was in the city, Hachi was waiting at the door — ready to break into his wild dance steps. Dogs are pure love and joy – they can’t help but burst out with feeling. So, when they’re happy to see you, you’ll know it!

It’s adorable the way dogs greet us with a warm welcome home. But, why do our furry friends do this?

Your Pup the Detective

Licking your face is your precious pup’s way of showing how much they love you! It’s an affectionate, bonding action for them. But I found out there’s another reason for them licking our faces when we come home!

Dogs have a great sense of smell — and they use it on you the moment you come home. They lick your face to get a good whiff and taste. From this quick inspection, they can figure where you’ve been, what you’ve been up to, and even pick up signs about your mood. Most importantly to them — they can check out what you’ve been eating!

This amazing sense of smell and being able to read their humans’ body chemistry gives our pups super powers!

Just Can’t Help that Wag

If your canine companion doesn’t just wag its tail, but its whole butt, you’re not alone! Wagging a tail looks like it easy to our dogs, but it takes a bit of effort. When they’re still puppies, you’ll notice their tail seems a little stiff when they wag it.

Did you notice how some of our more enthusiastic fuzzy friends wiggle their whole butts, or even their whole body? Their enthusiasm is bursting all over!

Dog balances treats on head

Would your Dog Choose You or a Treat?

You’re the most important person in your dog’s life. It’s not just about being a “pack leader.” Your dog genuinely loves you and sees you as part of the family… just like you do them. Sometimes we think “oh, they’re not pleased to see me really, they just want food or to go out…” but it’s not true! Your pup is thrilled to see you.

Research has even shown that some dogs would rather have praise, pets, and interaction with their owner more than a treat.

The famously loyal Hachiko didn’t even wait for his master to get home before putting on the big welcome. He waited at the Shibuya station for the Professor Parker’s train every day.

Live and Let Live

You might get home still thinking about that pair of shoes your dog chewed up, or a that table leg that looks chewed like a bone. You might feel guilty about being away so long, or having been short-tempered before you left.

But, for your fuzzy friend, it’s all ancient history. There’s only one thought on their mind: how great that you’re home!

Hachi was always in position for a grand wiggling display as soon as I entered the door. I wonder if he even moved while I was away! That was before baby (puppy!) cams. Nowadays, you can watch your dog from afar. There’s no secrets between best friends.

How does your furry best friend welcome you home? I’d love to hear all about it! Then try out the How Hachi Are You Quiz to discover how your personality traits align with Hachi.

Your story matters, 

and many of the chapters in the book

of your life are yet to be written.

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