Hachi Waits: Poem by Daniela Caride, “The Daily Tail”

One Hachi fan penned a powerful poem dedicated to the loyal Akita. The love for this devoted dog knows no bounds.

Thank you to Daniela Caride for sharing her poem with us. She first posted it in her “Daily Tail” blog. 

I sobbed for two hours straight watching “Hachi, a dog’s tale” (I still have a headache) — a movie inspired by the real story of Hachiko, an Akita dog who achieved international fame for his loyalty. The dog waited for his deceased owner for nine years at the train station.

I realized that Hachi became a symbol of loyalty not because he was better than any other dog. Dogs are exceptionally loyal if treated with love and respect. But nobody offered Hachi a loving home during the long years he waited for Professor Ueno. It broke my heart. So I wrote the poem below.

I humbly ask you to send this post to every person you know who may be able to find a home to a pet in need. Together we may be able to ease the pain of homeless animals like Hachi, who ask for so little and give back so much.

Hachi waits
By Daniela Caride

Hachi waits at the train station
The dog waits for nine minutes
It’s after five
It’s time
And the professor doesn’t arrive

Hachi waits for nine hours
Nine days
The professor is late
But the dog doesn’t mind
At the train station he stays

Hachi waits for nine months
Nine years straight
He’s convinced the professor is really late
But the dog doesn’t mind
At the train station he stays

Tired of old age, not tired of his long wait
Hachi finally closes his eyes
And finds his friend
In his deepest dreams inside
At the end

But Hachi still waits
Even after he died

He waits on the streets of every town
At all the neighborhood pounds
Under the skin of every dog around
For someone to rescue him

To give him
A name
And a home
Where love abounds

Hachi waits

It’s true that this dog’s love knows no bounds. Hachi brings out deep emotions in us. We can use them to get in touch with our innermost hopes, fears and desires. Did his story provoke any surprising feelings in you?

Your story matters, 

and many of the chapters in the book

of your life are yet to be written.

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