What’s been happening with Forrest?

Who could forget Forrest’s performance in Hachi: A Dog’s Tale? One of three adult Akitas used in the film, his compelling portrayal of the aged Hachi in the final scenes  reduced the audience to a puddle of tears. 

Did you know that the aged Hachi was played by a young Forrest? Credit is due to animal trainer, Mark Harden, who not only trained the dog actor for slower movements —- but transformed the young Akita through masterfully applied make-up.

Many viewers ask about the talented canine actor. Forrest’s breeder, Kathy Coffman, provides an update on the popular Akita. 

While Forrest is getting older he’s still hanging in there. I’ve asked Joe (Forrest’s owner) to snap some photos of Forrest so I can forward them to you.

My pups never go away they always come back home to visit. If y’all ever do anything here on the East Coast I’m sure we can arrange to get you together with Forrest again. We live VERY close to Ocean City MD a top resort here on the East Coast.

Forrest is really getting up there in age – he turned 11 in June. Typically we lose them between 9 and 13 or so. His litter brother Titan is still going very strong also. We showed Titan in Veterans classes not too long ago and he won Best Veteran – so he’s still got it too.

Sadly, we lost Forrest’s Mom a couple of years ago. That was one of my hardest losses to date and I still ache and miss her so much.

We just imported a new Japanese bred Akita from Hungary, he’s a real clown and another Hachi clone.

I am so proud of Forrest, this movie has been the shining star of my life. I’ll never be able to thank all of you enough for making this happen for us. We’ve really enjoyed the ride (and still very much do).

I hope all is well with you, and yours. And remember if you ever want an Akita – I’m here!

Love ya,

Kathy Coffman, BayCrest Akitas
Akita dog actor

Forrest, Hachi: A Dog’s Tale Akita dog actor, at photo shoot to benefit Akita rescue

2017 Update: 

On December 19, 2017, Forrest passed away. He was much loved by his owner Joey Capaldi and the many individuals who met him through the years. Forrest played a pivotal role in telling Hachi’s inspirational story, and his presence will continue on through Hachi: A Dog’s Tale.

How did you react during the film’s final scene at the train station? Emotional, I bet! 

Your story matters, 

and many of the chapters in the book

of your life are yet to be written.

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