It’s time to transform your life

 and heal the world around you. 

At Vicki & Hachi, we’re here to help you do all that’s in your heart and more!

Vicki & Hachi inspires women to connect with The Hachi Spirit and guides them on their journey to their authentic self as they channel their unique passions to leave their legacy.

Hi, I’m Vicki

the founder of the Vicki & Hachi movement.

I help women on their journey back to themselves and into their one big, visible, authentic life. I do this through coaching, courses, and a flourishing community built around The Hachi Spirit (more on that later).

I believe that your life is your message and that you are meant to leave a one-of-a-kind legacy in this big world. 


The Life Story Travel Guide

Inspired by The World of Hachi

Connection, courses, and community designed 
for you to leap into your most authentic life

Life Story Travel Guide



Hachi Grief Relief Journal & Workbook

Losing a dog is like losing a piece of your heart. The silence, the empty space where they used to be, the ache of missing their love—it’s overwhelming. But you don’t have to go through this alone.

A Companion in Healing: 

Finding Solace and Navigating Canine Loss Together

You'll Get...

  • Gentle Reflection & Journaling Prompts – to help you process emotions and cherish memories
  • Healing Exercises – to honor your beloved dog while finding ways to move forward
  • Comforting Affirmations – inspired by Hachiko’s story of unwavering love
  • The Altar I Created for My Own Hachi – a deeply personal way I honored his memory, which you can use as inspiration for your own healing
  • 118 Pages of Support – beautifully designed to bring you comfort, understanding, and peace

A Gentle Path to Healing After Losing Your Beloved Dog

Investment  $19

Start healing today

“Hachi Spirit Power Hour” One-hour, 1:1 clarity session to address and overcome any challenges or life issues blocking your Hachi Spirit

  • Ideal for individuals in search of invaluable insights through enlightening feedback
  • You’ll gain a fresh perspective, uncover hidden opportunities, and eliminate limiting beliefs through laser-focused problem solving that addresses your immediate issue
  • Invest in yourself today and experience the profound impact that a single hour can have on your life.
  • One 60-minute Zoom call (visual or audio only, your choice)

Let’s book your 1:1 Hachi Spirit Power Hour

book your power hour now


Enroll in my signature course– 
The Hachi Heart-Centered Journey

Research shows that targeting and using our top strengths allows us to enjoy a more authentic life that provides a more profound sense of fulfillment.

It also serves to connect us to our most desired passions. 

Remember that you don’t need to change the world to make a difference. Instead, it’s about shifting your mindset to see and feel the intense beauty in life.

Think about the small pleasures in a perfectly blissful moment or a great experience. The chain of individual moments that link together creates a gratifying life. 

Enrolling in this course gives you a powerful transformation to help rewrite the story you tell about your life and who you are. You’ll gain the proper tools and insight to “rebrand your life” to reflect your strengths.
It’s time to transmit your most compelling self into the world by exploring the heart of your brand. 

I believe the answers are already within you, so within this course, you’ll see how to unearth your own solutions, build self-trust, and write your legendary Life Story.

Remember, your life is your most extraordinary creative project. So let’s design it together! 

JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR The Hachi Heart-Centered Journey

Join the waitlist

You may have heard that negative self talk can be the thing that keeps you small and prevents you from living out your dreams.

I take that a step further. That negative self-talk everyone is always talking about? That is your inner narrator on a bad day. Your narrator is your inner voice– it can be your biggest fan or your worst critic. 


Begin the first step of the journey– 
The Narrator Within

I’m out to help you change all that in The Narrator Within.

This is a guide helping you tune into your self-talk, cultivate kinder inner dialogue, and start becoming the hero of your life story.

You’ll discover what your Narrator is, why you’re holding yourself back with negative self talk, and open up to practices that will support you in moving towards a powerful, confident, joyful Narrator– an inner voice that empowers you to do great things, live boldly, and enjoy all that makes life an adventure.

Through candid, personal stories, guided questions, journaling sections, and step-by-step advice, you’ll come away with a honed Narrator ready for the adventure ahead.

(A $49  VALUE, A Special Hachi 100th Birthday offer!)


You and I both know time is the most precious resource we have. Nobody escapes the passing of time, and we’re all heading to that final destination—every one of us. Great wealth or health does not create an escape. 

Your time is finite on this earth.

In the whirl of everyday tasks, it’s easy to get lost in obligations and problems. 

In the noise of the never-ending negative news cycle reporting on another “unprecedented event” or world conflict, you probably feel fearful, stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. 

You know there’s so much inside of you, but you’re unsure what to do next.

You’re ready to make an impact on the world. 

 You deeply desire a sense of empowerment to evolve and change. You’re ready to experience the momentum that comes from taking action. 

You intuitively sense that taking the next right step will bring positivity and meaning to your life once again.

It’s never too late!

You have the power to focus on your intentions to create a life even better than your wildest dreams.

Let’s take a look at the most common regret: 

“I wish I’d dared to live a life true to myself, 

not the life others expected of me.”

Imagine laying in a hospital bed. Your entire life flashes past you. 

What are you feeling?

  • Perhaps the dreams deferred flash in your mind, and instant regret sinks in because you thought maybe you’d get some freedom later on.
  • Remember that dream trip you didn’t take with your parents? 
  • Why you didn’t go is insignificant to your disappointment of not enjoying their last trip with them. 
  • Or, maybe you chose a profession you dreaded, but your parents or partner wanted it for you, so you agreed out of social obligation, although it led you farther and farther away from your most authentic self. 

You wonder how your life would be

if only you followed your true desires. 

Except you didn’t. You lived a life to please others. 

Too late. 

But wait. . .

The beautiful news is you’re NOT on your deathbed. 
You’re in the here and right now.

You want to rewrite that final scene—your closing act.

You have the power to reconnect with yourself, create the authentic connections you crave, and experience the delights of hope, joy, and inspiration in your everyday life.

If you could have a magic wand,  what would your wish be?

Now is the time to put yourself first. 

It’s time to stop worrying about what others will think of you and finally fulfill your heart's desires.

You’ve known there’s something unique and special about you, but you’ve brushed it off. 

Plus, you’ve been out of the practice of nourishing your inner life for the last decade, so pursuing your dreams and achieving your goals feels daunting.

We believe you’re brave enough to live the way YOU want, regardless of what others say or do. Because it’s your life, not theirs.

You deserve to be swept away by your grand passion in life again– that feeling of being connected to something bigger than yourself. 

A purpose that compels you to take action and leaves you nearly breathless with excitement, anticipation, and a sense that you’re unstoppable.

But where do you begin?

Well, that’s where I come in as your coach and fellow sojourner on this adventure we call life.

I see you. I value how special you are and understand how individualized your purpose is in life.

As your mentor, I aim to help you navigate the journey with all its twists and turns. 

Together, we’ll identify your strengths, shore up your weaknesses, and provide wisdom as you navigate your way to your next destination.

So grab your proverbial boarding pass because we have several opportunities to explore working together!

Feeling Called to Work With Vicki? 

We are your dream team if you want to:  

  • Identify what lights you up and how you’d like to make your impact on the world 
  • Feel connected to your purpose
  • Take BOLD action towards your goals
  • Get curious again so that you’ll experience a renewed vigor and zest for life again
  • Claim your space in this world and try new things
  • Stop feeling invisible and start showing up for yourself and your dreams
  • Create a clear plan to share your new reality and write a new chapter

Ready to feel inspired by the resilience of The Hachi Spirit?

Snuggle up with your pup and enjoy this moving story of the intense and beautiful connection between man and dog.

BUY OR RENT Hachi: A Dog’s Tale

Watch the movie

Let’s Intentionally Create the Life of Your Dreams

Together, we’ll embrace your lifelong journey of discovery, so you get to know yourself deeply and connect with your unique purpose.